DBB3101 – Consumer Behaviour

Assignment Set – 1

1. Elucidate the role of Consumer behaviour in Marketing.

2. Explain the role of consumer research in marketing

3. Explain Freudian Theory of Personality.

Assignment Set – 2

4. Explain the consumer buying process.

5. Write Short Notes on the following:

  1. Differential Threshold
  2. Subliminal Perception

6. Discuss the Diffusion of Innovation with a suitable example.


1. Describe how Business Analytics can help an organization improve its operational efficiency.

2. How can data updating ensure the accuracy and reliability of data?

3. Discuss how mobile and location-based Market Basket Analysis could be used in the future.

Assignment Set – 2

4. Discuss in detail how decision trees work in classification problems?

5. Explain Data Mining Process?

6. Discuss some of the challenges that organizations may face in managing data.

DBB3111 production and operations management

1. Explain production process. Further discuss the objectives of production management for organization.

2. Define Operations Strategy. Discuss the Hierarchy of Operations Strategy.

3. Write short note on:

  • Product Design
  • Sources of Product Innovation

Assignment Set – 2

4. What is project management. Also, define the project planning process.

5. Explain the concept of supply chain. Further discuss the components and importance of supply chain.

6. State the objectives and types of maintenance management.


1. Define economic planning. Explain the factors and indicators of economic growth.

2. Explain in detail the 5 major sectors in economy with examples.

3. Explain the mechanisms of all the 5 year plans in detail.

Assignment Set – 2

4. Explain the process of poverty and unemployment estimation in India.

5. What do you mean by inflation? Explain the causes for rise of prices in India.

6. Elucidate the whole concept of Indian Financial System.


1. Explain the importance of broadband telecommunication

2. Why is corporate strategic infrastructure required?

3. How does secure electronic transaction protect e-commerce payment transactions?

Assignment Set – 2

4. Explain why e-commerce relies on encryption for securing data transmission.

5. Explain the concept of internet marketing.

6. What are the various components of the mobile commerce network system?


1. Explain the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic development.

2. List the functions of mentors. Explain in detail the types of mentoring.

3. Explain the feasibility study in a business plan? How feasibility study is different from business plan?

Assignment Set – 2

4. What is social entrepreneurship? What are the challenges faced by social entrepreneurs?

5. Explain different stages of business. At which stage is harvesting possible?

6. Suppose you are planning to open the restaurant. While writing a business plan for your idea, what will you include under the components market analysis, business description, and financial analysis?

DBB3115 small business management

1. What is a small business? Explain the characteristics of small business.

2. Explain the common problems affecting small businesses.

3. What is a cash flow statement? What are the objectives of preparing a cash flow statement?

Assignment Set – 2

4. Explain the different phases of production planning and control.

5. Explain the different sources of working capital

6. Explain the types of managerial skills.



Assignment Set – 1

  1. (a) Discuss the nature and significance of strategic management.

(b) What are the factors responsible for an effective strategy?

  1. What is environmental scanning? Write about its underlying factors.
  2. Discuss Michael Porter’s analysis.

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Differentiate between horizontal and vertical growth strategy. How do they differ from concentric diversification.
  2. What do you mean by strategy implementation? What are the important issues involved in it.
  3. What is strategic control? Discuss the criteria for strategic control.


Assignment Set – 1

  1. Explain how MIS controls the Information in an organization.
  2. Explain the steps in the decision-making process in detail
  3. Explain what is meant by BPR. What is its significance?

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Explain the applications and systems used in e-communication.
  2. Explain different types of Decision Support Systems.
  3. Explain the various security hazards faced by an information system.


Assignment Set – 1

  1. What is the role of water cycle in our ecosystem? Explain how it affects ecology and society?
  2. What is sustainable development? Explain the three principles of Sustainability with two examples.
  3. Describe the Spheres of Earth and their properties.

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Define air pollution and effects of air pollution with examples.
  2. State the consequences of soil pollution on future generations and suggest control measures.
  3. Define solid waste. List the types of solid waste. Come up with a plan for management of solid wastes.


Assignment Set – 1

  1. Discuss the concept of International Marketing. In addition, include appropriate examples to support your answer to illustrate the differences between domestic marketing and international marketing.
  2. Write a detailed note on Economic Environment to International Marketing. Also, to discuss constituents of Economic Environment in detail.
  3. Explain what the term “sampling” means. In addition to explaining the different approaches to sampling, give appropriate examples to support your answer.

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Discuss the idea of packaging and labelling while also elaborating on the function that packaging plays and the significance of its use.
  2. Present an explanation of the Personal Selling ideas. Provide some background on the significance, benefits, and potential drawbacks of personal selling.
  3. Write a detailed note on Exporting along with its types while explaining its advantages and disadvantages, include suitable examples to support your answer.


Assignment Set – 1

  1. Discuss different features of rural economy.
  2. Discuss any five factors that contribute towards growth of the rural markets.
  3. Discuss reasons responsible for change in demand pattern of the rural areas.

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Explain the significance of market research in rural areas.
  2. What is the significance of consumer behavior models?
  3. What kinds of difficulties do FMCG companies in rural India face?


Assignment Set – 1

  1. (a) Discuss the nature and significance of strategic management.

 (b) What are the factors responsible for an effective strategy?

  1. What is environmental scanning? Write about its underlying factors.
  2. Discuss Michael Porter’s analysis.

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Differentiate between horizontal and vertical growth strategy. How do they differ from concentric diversification.
  2. What do you mean by strategy implementation? What are the important issues involved in it.
  3. What is strategic control? Discuss the criteria for strategic control.


Assignment Set – 1

  1. Explain how MIS controls the Information in an organization.
  2. Explain the steps in the decision-making process in detail
  3. Explain what is meant by BPR. What is its significance?

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Explain the applications and systems used in e-communication.
  2. Explain different types of Decision Support Systems.
  3. Explain the various security hazards faced by an information system.


Assignment Set – 1

  1. What is the role of water cycle in our ecosystem? Explain how it affects ecology and society?
  2. What is sustainable development? Explain the three principles of Sustainability with two examples.
  3. Describe the Spheres of Earth and their properties.

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Define air pollution and effects of air pollution with examples.
  2. State the consequences of soil pollution on future generations and suggest control measures.
  3. Define solid waste. List the types of solid waste. Come up with a plan for management of solid wastes.


Assignment Set – 1

  1. Discuss the concept of International Marketing. In addition, include appropriate examples to support your answer to illustrate the differences between domestic marketing and international marketing.
  2. Write a detailed note on Economic Environment to International Marketing. Also, to discuss constituents of Economic Environment in detail.
  3. Explain what the term “sampling” means. In addition to explaining the different approaches to sampling, give appropriate examples to support your answer.

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Discuss the idea of packaging and labelling while also elaborating on the function that packaging plays and the significance of its use.
  2. Present an explanation of the Personal Selling ideas. Provide some background on the significance, benefits, and potential drawbacks of personal selling.
  3. Write a detailed note on Exporting along with its types while explaining its advantages and disadvantages, include suitable examples to support your answer.


Assignment Set – 1

  1. Discuss different features of rural economy.
  2. Discuss any five factors that contribute towards growth of the rural markets.
  3. Discuss reasons responsible for change in demand pattern of the rural areas.

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Explain the significance of market research in rural areas.
  2. What is the significance of consumer behavior models?
  3. What kinds of difficulties do FMCG companies in rural India face?



Assignment Set – 1

  1. Define a company. What are the different kinds of meeting of the shareholders of a company?
  2. Who is an unpaid seller? Enumerate in detail the rights available to an unpaid seller.
  3. What do you understand by intellectual property rights? Explain its types in detail.

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Define condition and Warranty. Compare the difference between the two. Also, state the circumstances under which a condition can be treated as a warranty.
  2. Discuss the main areas of focus of the Factories Act.
  3. Define consumer. Explain the consumer redressal agencies in detail.


Assignment Set – 1

1. (a) Describe limitations of Statistics. Also explain how Statistics is useful in accountancy and auditing.

(b) State the meaning of a questionnaire. What are the precautions necessary in drafting a good questionnaire.

2. (a) The average daily wage of 100 workers in a factory is Rs. 72. The average daily wage of 70 male workers is Rs. 75. Find the average daily wage of female workers.

(b) Write Short note on:

i) Mean Deviation

ii) Coefficient of Mean Deviation

iii) Standard Deviation

iv) Coefficient of Variation

v) Quartile Deviation

3. (a) Obtain the correlation coefficient for the data given below:

X: 1      2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9

Y: 9      8          10        12        11        13        14        16        15

(b) What are the uses of Regression Analysis? Give five examples where the use of regression analysis can beneficially be made.

Assignment Set – 2

  1. What do you mean by Time Series? Describe the various methods of Secular Trends.
  2. Define Index Numbers. Describe various test for consistency of Index Numbers.
  3. (a) Delineate the principles of sampling methods. Explain sampling and non-sampling errors. (b) What role does statistical quality control play in maintaining the quality of a product? Describe the advantages of statistical quality control.


Assignment Set – 1

  1. Discuss the various steps involved in research process with a suitable example.
  2. What is research problem? Define the main issues which should receive the attention of the researcher in formulating the research problem. Give suitable examples to elucidate your points.
  3. a) Explain the meaning and significance of a Research design. b) What are the characteristics of good research design?

Assignment Set – 2

  1. What do you mean by ‘Sample Design’? What points should be taken into consideration by a researcher in developing a sample design for this research project.
  2. Enumerate the different methods of collecting data. Which one is the most suitable for conducting enquiry regarding family welfare programme in India? Explain its merits and demerits.
  3. “Processing of data implies editing, coding, classification and tabulation”. Describe in brief these four operations pointing out the significance of each in context of research study.


Assignment Set – 1

  1. An investor deposits Rs 100 in a bank account for 5 years at 8 per cent interest. Find out the amount which he will have in his account if interest is compounded (a) annually (b) semi-annually (6-monthly), (c) quarterly and (d) continuously.
  2. Discuss Various Discounted cash flow and non-discounted cash flow methods of evaluating capital budgeting decision with suitable example.
  3. Examine critically the different approaches to the calculation of cost of equity capital. How is the cost of capital relevant in capital budgeting decisions?

Assignment Set – 2

1. a) Length of operating cycle is a major determinant of working capital needs of a business firm. Explain.

b) Distinguish between gross working capital and net working capital.

2. What are the objectives of inventory management? Discuss various Inventory Management Techniques.

3. Discuss various short-term and long-term sources of finance for firm.


Assignment Set – 1

  1. Explain the concept of Advertising while having some light on the history of the Advertising. Also, to detail five basic components of Advertising.
  2. Write a detailed note on Hierarchy-of-Effects Model of advertising in detail.
  3. Detailed the Print Advertising. Further to explain the various Characteristics of the Press, include suitable examples to support your answer.

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Discuss the Sales Management Strategies in detail, while explaining the suitable examples to support your answer.
  2. Explain the concepts of Personal Selling. Detail the objectives of Personal Selling.
  3. Write a detailed note on types of Sales Organization Structures, include suitable examples to support your answer.



Assignment Set – 1

1. Discuss the importance of effective business communication at workplace. What is the role of the formal and informal channels of communication in building up a good communication network.

2. Premature evaluations and hurried conclusion distort listening. Discuss in detail and write the solution for the same.

3. How does general writing differ from business writing, in terms of language, style and tone?

Assignment Set – 2

4. Illustrate the five steps of SQ3R techniques of reading.

5. Explain the principles of writinga business letter. Write a note on types of business letter.

6. Highlight the specific objectives of corporate advertising. Explain the different types of corporate advertising.


Assignment Set – 1

1. Explain different types of accounting concepts in detail.

2. From the following details, pass the necessary closing entries.

Stockon1-1-2003 4,000 Freight 800
Purchases 15,000 Factoryrent 1,000
Bad debts 500 Officerent 2,400
Sales 30,000 Generalexpenses 500
Returnstosuppliers 2,000 Heatingandlighting 700
Returnsfromcustomers 1,000 Discountallowed 300
Wages andsalaries 5,000 Discountreceived 400
Carriageonpurchases 1,000 Commission(Cr.) 500
Cartage onsales 200 Insurance 200
DepreciationonMachinery 1,000 Closingstock 6,000

3. Define Bank Reconciliation Statement. Discuss various reasons for difference in balance of cash book and passbook.

Assignment Set – 2

4. Describe in detail different types of shares.

5. Define debentures and summarize the classification of debentures.

6. Discuss different methods used for calculation of depreciation in detail.


Assignment Set – 1

1. Discuss the concept of Human Resource Management. Detailed its objectives and Scope.

2. Write a detailed note on the concept of Human Resource Planning along with importance of the concept.

3. Discuss the concept of Recruitment in detail. Also, to explain the process of Recruitment, include suitable examples to support your answer.

Assignment Set – 2

4. Explain the term Training? Discuss the various methods for on the job Training. 2+8 10

5. Discuss the concepts of Performance Appraisal while having light on the process of Performance Appraisal.

6. List out the major difference between Domestic and International Human Resource Management while having light on the importance of International Human Resource Management.


Assignment Set – 1

1. Discuss various dimensions of Quality with suitable examples.

2. List the different ways of enhancing the top management’s commitment towards quality.

3. Explain the various criteria for the organisations to select appropriate suppliers.

Assignment Set – 2

4. Discuss the Quality Management Principles in detail.

5. Discuss the process of benchmarking and quotea suitable example of acompany’s benchmarking process.

6. “Employee motivation leads to involvement”.Justify this statement with a suitable example.


Assignment Set – 1

1. Define retail strategy. Discuss the various strategies adopted by retailers to grow their business.

2. The classification of retail stores can be summarized in store and non-store formats. List and explain sub-categories of both store and non-store formats.

3. Do you think that the selection of retail store site can be systematic based on certain parameters and steps to be followed? Justify the context with description.

Assignment Set – 2

4. Define retail pricing. What are the factors influencing retail prices? Elaborate various pricing strategies available with the retailers.

5. What are the two most common methods used to analyze the merchandise performance? Explain in detail.

6. Discuss the various types of store layout with examples.




  1. Describe the history and development of English language.
  2. Write all parts of a sentence. Discuss all types of sentences with one example each.
  3. Elaborate upon the significance and purpose of reading for a management graduate.


  1. What are the characteristics of personality? What determines the development of personality?
  2. What are the general principles of time management? Critically explain the concept of time management.
  3. Discuss the role and functions of an effective leader.



  1. What are the basic foundations or approach to the study of OB? Explain each of them.
  2. Discuss the various types of departmentation with suitable examples
  3. Explain the concept of personality. How is the study of personality helpful for managers?


  1. Define Motivation. Why is motivation important for an organization? Discuss intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
  2. Name and explain the methods used to manage cultural diversity in organizations.
  3. Why do people resist change? Discuss the strategies which can be adapted to overcome resistance to change.



1 Discuss the factors that constitute the internal environment of business.

2. “Unethical behaviour significantly increases the cost of doing business”. What are the activities considered unethical in business?

3. What is free market economy? Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the market system.


1 Define privatization. Explain different ways of achieving privatization.

2. Discuss the causes of the economic crisis of 1991.

3. Define corporate social responsibility. Explain why corporate social responsibility matters to businesses?



  1. List the strategies employed by marketers for decisions related to product mix. Briefly explain the factors influencing the product mix decision of a firm.
  2. Macro environment contains variables that directly or indirectly exert an influence on the business. Do you agree or not? Justify your answer in detail.
  3. Define Brand equity. What are the three components of Martin Roll’s definition of brand equity?


  1. The factors which determine consumer behaviour can be grouped into major broad categories. Elaborate categories in detail.
  2. Define market segmentation. Describe the need for market segmentation.
  3. Explain the steps followed in developing an integrated promotion mix.



  1. How would you define Computers? Explain the generation of the computers.
  2. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers into equivalent octal numbers. (a) A72E (b) 4.BF85. Convert (10101)2hexadecimal using shortcut method.
  3. Explain Relative Cell Reference with the help of example? Explain the steps to use slide master in a presentation.


  1. Explain the two design strategies for Software System Design. What are the four quality measures for building software?
  2. What are the main functions of operating system? Describe various components of operating systems.
  3. Elaborate the TCP/IP protocol layers with the help of diagram. Explain how internet works.



1 Explain the evolution of English Language

2. Discuss various types of sentences with usage.

3. What do you mean by direct-indirect speech? Explain various concepts of vocabulary building.


1 Mintzberg provided a categorization scheme for defining what managers do based on the managerial roles they use at work. Discuss

2. What is transactional analysis? Describe three ego states and various types of transactions under TA. Support your answers with relevant examples.

3. Define emotions. Describe the importance of emotions. (Any 8 points).


1 Define the term ‘business environment’. Explain macro external environment with examples.

2. What is economic environment? Explain how global economic environment has changed over time.

3. What is meant by political environment of business? Explain the business risks posed by political system in India.


1 What do you understand by term marketing? Briefly explain the meaning, origin, scope and importance of marketing.

2. You are about to start a restaurant business in your city, it would be your first venture as an entrepreneur. Briefly explain and perform the types of analysis you will undertake before initiating this venture.

3. Define brand with example? Explain the various steps which are undertaken in the formation of brand name and logo.


1 Define Computers. Explain the generations of Computers.

2. Find out the hexadecimal equivalent of the binary number (0010010100)2. Convert (6532)8 to hexadecimal using shortcut method.

3. Explain the steps to add transitions and animation effects to presentation. Prepare a report card in MS Excel of 5 subjects of 15 students and find out the percentage of each student and average of the class.




1 Why Production is considered as a heart of an organization? Also explain the importance of technology in production.

Production as a heart of an organization

Importance of technology in production.

2 Define Planning, Organizing and Controlling Functions of Operations Management.

Planning function of operations management

Organizing function of operations management

Controlling function of operations management

3 Discuss various steps of Product selection and development.

Various steps of Product selection and development.


1 Define materials management and state its importance and functions.

Definition of material Management

Importance of Material management

Functions of Material management

2 How Automation is beneficial for manufacturing? Explain Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM).

Benefits of automation in manufacturing

Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM).

3 The life cycle of a project can be classified into four stages: (a) Conception and definition phase, (b) Planning and organizing phase, (c) Implementation phase & (d) Project close. Explain them in detail.

(a) Conception and definition phase

(b) Planning and organizing phase

(c) Implementation phase

(d) Project close



1 Budgeting is a systematic approach to the solution of problem.

Explain any five advantages of Budgeting 5*2=10

2 Elucidate the concept of Earning Per Share (EPS) and Return on Equity (ROE).

Concept of EPS

Concept of ROE

3 Capital Expenditure or investment planning and control involve a process of facilitating decisions covering expenditures on long-term assets.

Explain Capital Budgeting Process 10


1 Briefly Explain MM hypothesis in terms of two Propositions in the Context of Capital Structure.

Explain Proposition I

Explain Proposition II

2 Working Capital requirements of a firm is dependent on many factors.

Explain any Five determinants of Working Capital 5*2= 10

3 Particulars S Ltd R Ltd

Sales 20,00,000 45,00,000

Fixed Costs 7,00,000 15,00,000

Variable Expenses are 60% of Sales for Firm S and 30% for Firm R. Determine the

Degree of Operating Leverage (DOL).

Calculate the DOL of Firm S

Calculate the DOL of Firm R

BBA 508 – Economic Planning and Policies


1 Explain following theories of economic development

a) Wealth of nation theory

b) Theory of comparative advantage

c) Theory of population

d) Innovation theory

a) Wealth of nation theory 2.5 10

b) Theory of comparative advantage 2.5

c) Theory of population 2.5

d) Innovation theory 2.5

2 Define the significance of technological changes in economic development. Elaborate your answer with supportive examples.

Significance of technological changes in economic development.

Explanation with supportive examples 4

3 Explain democratic socialism in India. List down various features of democratic socialism.

Democratic socialism in India 5 10

Features of democratic socialism. 5


1 Explain the role of public sector in Indian economy. What are the major shortcomings of the public sector?

Role of public sector in Indian economy

Shortcomings of the public sector

2 Examine the impact of black income on economic and social system. List down different factors responsible for generation of black money.

Impact of black income on economic and social system

Factors responsible for generation of black money

3 Write short notes on

a) Food security in India

b) Indian financial system

a) Food security in India

b) Indian financial system


1 Write notes on :

a) Tax Treatment of Income.

b) Capital Expenses vs. Revenue Expenses.

c) Fringe Benefit Tax.

a) Tax Treatment of Income.

b) Capital Expenses vs. Revenue Expenses.

c) Fringe Benefit Tax.

2 A) Raj was born in Karachi on January 2,1947. He has been staying in USA since 1986.He comes to India on a visit of 200 days on October 10,2014. Determine the residential status of Mr Raj for the assessment year 2015-16.

B) Discuss the advantages of VAT over Sales tax.

A) Determine the residential status of Mr Raj

B) Discuss the advantages of VAT over Sales tax.

3 “Section 48 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 discusses the methods of computation of short term and long term capital gains”. Enumerate with examples.

Discuss the methods of computation of Short term and Long term Capital Gains under Section 48 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 with examples.


1 Who is an Entrepreneur? What is the role of entrepreneurship in Economic Development?

Entrepreneur 2

Role of entrepreneurship in Economic Development 8 10

2 What are the contents of a Business Plan? Explain with suitable example.

Contents of a Business Plan 4

Explanation with example 6 10

3 Define the term growth. What are the characteristics of a high growth firm?

Growth 2

Characteristics of a high growth firm



Assignment Set I

1 Depending on the channel used and the style of communication, there can be various types of communication. Explain the various types of communication based on channels and style?

Meaning of communication

Types of communication based on communication channels

Types of communication based on style and purpose

2 As a listener, why do you think listening plays a vital role in the organization? Co-relate the importance of the listening process in workplace with probable measures to be taken to improve it?

Purpose of Listening

Listening as an Important Skill in Work Place

Measures to Improve Listening

3 Discuss different types of communication network practiced in an organization.

Meaning of Communication Network

Types of Communication Network

Assignment II

1 What is internal communication and what are the reasons for having it in the organisation?

Meaning of Internal Communication

Reasons for an organization to have internal communication

2 Different purposes of reading require different methods of reading. Describe the various ways of reading. What are the techniques that you can use to improve your reading?

Types of reading


3 Explain the importance of 7 Cs of Communication.

Importance of 7 Cs of Communication



Assignment Set I

1 Define the term ‘Organisational Behaviour”. Explain the Key elements of Organizational Behaviour.

Definition of Organizational Behaviour

Key elements of Organizational Behaviour

2 Explain the types of Organizational Design.

Discuss the determinants of Personality.

Types of Organizational Design

Determinants of Personality

3 Discuss the two types of Stress.

Explain the functions of Communication.

The two types of Stress.

Functions of Communication

Assignment Set 2

1 Define the term motivation. Explain Maslow’s need Hierarchy theory.

Definition of motivation

Maslow’s hierarchy theory

2 What do you understand by the term ‘Group’? Explain the stages of Group development.

Definition of Group

Stages of Group Development

3 Write short notes on the following:

  1. a) Organization Culture
  2. b) Conflict management


Assignment Set 1 Question

1 Explain the different instruments of Monetary Policies?

General or quantitative controls

Selective or qualitative controls

2 Discuss the merits and demerits of Mixed economy.



3 Write a note on the three pillars of free economy namely liberalization, privatization and globalization.




Assignment Set 2 Question

1 Explain positive and negative effects of New Economic Policy?

Positive Effects

Negative Effects

2 Differentiate GATT and WTO.

Explain GATT Explain WTO

3 Write short notes on the following:

  1. Functional co-operatives
  2. Multipurpose co-operatives

Functional co-operatives

Multipurpose co-operatives


1 What do you mean by primary data? What are the various methods of collecting primary data?

Meaning of Primary data

Methods of collecting primary data?

2 Write short notes on

  1. Drafting Questionnaire
  2. Quartile deviation
  3. Applications of Time Series Analysis
  4. Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors
  5. Drafting Questionnaire
  6. Quartile deviation
  7. Applications of Time Series Analysis
  8. Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors

3 a. Explain the meaning of Weighted Index Numbers.

  1. Information of sales price per unit of different commodities for two different years is given in following table-
Commodities 2010 2016
Price Quantity Price Quantity
A 15 4 20 5
B 24 6 28 8
C 16 4 25 4
D 32 8 30 12
E 35 3 32 4
F 8 2 15 3

Construct the Price Index taking 2010 as the base year and 2016 as the current year by following methods.

  1. Laspeyre’s Price Index
  2. Paasche’s Method

iii. Dorbish and Bowley’s method

  1. Fisher’s Ideal Index Method

Meaning of Weighted Index Numbers

Construction of the Price Index

  1. Laspeyre’s Price Index
  2. Paasche’s Method

iii. Dorbish and Bowley’s method

  1. Fisher’s Ideal Index Method



  1. With a neat diagram explain the architecture of a computer.
  2. Explain the architecture of a computer
  3. Diagram
  4. a. What is main memory? What are the types of main memory?
  5. What is secondary memory? Give examples.
  6. Explain the main memory with examples

Explain the types of main memory

  1. Explain the secondary memory

Any 4 examples

  1. Write short notes on the following:
  • Decimal Number System
  • Binary Number System
  • Octal Number System
  • Hexadecimal Number System

Concept of Decimal Number System

Concept of Binary Number System

Concept of Octal Number System

d. Concept of Hexadecimal Number System


BBA207-Business Strategy

1 What are the various types of strategies pursued by businesses? What are the various features of Business Strategy?

Explain the types of strategies pursued by businesses

Explain various features of business strategies

2 Explain the Strategic Management Process.

Elaborate Strategic Management Process

3 What are the various traits of strategic leaders which help to set them apart from other managers?

Explain the traits of strategic leaders which help to set them apart from other managers



Assignment Set -1

1 X, Y & Z were partners sharing profits and losses as 4:3:2. Their Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2016 were as under :

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Capital:A 80,000B 60,000

C 40,000

1,80,000 Freehold PremisesBuildingMachinery


Reserves 90,000 Investments 18,000
Cash credit 18,000 Inventories 27,000
Creditors 9,000 Receivables 27,000
Bills Payable 9,000 Cash 9,000
  3,06,000   3,06,000

C expired on 1st April 2016. So, the assets are revalued and liabilities re-assessed as follows :

  1. i) Create a provision for doubtful debt Rs. 800.
  2. ii) Building and investment are to be appreciated by 10 %.

iii) Machinery is to be depreciated by 5 %.

  1. iv) Goodwill of the firm is to be valued at Rs. 27,000.

The balance due to Z will be transferred to his executor’s loan account which will carry an interest of 10 % p.a. Prepare Revaluation Account, Capital Accounts and the Balance Sheet of new firm after adjustments.

  1. How will you differentiate between Trade discount and Cash discount ?

Narrate the main divisions and classes of share capital.

Differentiate between Trade discount & cash discount

Divisions and classes of share capital

  1. Write short notes on :
  2. i) Issue of Bonus shares
  3. ii) Re-issue of forfeited shares at a discount

iii) Buy back of shares

  1. iv) Alteration of share capital or share split
  2. v) Redemption of preference shares


Assignment Set -2

1 From the ledger balances as on 31st March 2015 show treatments in Profit and Loss Account and in Balance Sheet.

Debtors : 50,000; Bad Debts : 3,000; Discount Allowed : 2,000; Creditors: 30,000; Provision for Discount on Creditors : 400; Discount Received 300.

Adjustments :

  1. i) Create a provision for Bad Debts @ 10 % on Debtors
  2. ii) Create a provision for Discount on Debtors @ 5 %

iii) Additional discount given to Debtors Rs. 1,000

  1. iv) Create a provision for discount on Creditors @ 2 %.

From the ledger balances and adjustments as above, show treatments in :

Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet.

2 Explain Bill of exchange and the procedure for recording bills in the books of drawer and accepter when the bill is : Accepted and discharged.

  1. i) Explain bill of exchange
  2. ii) Journal entries in the books of drawer

iii) Journal entries in the books of acceptor

3 Explain the Depreciation Accounting procedure and concept taking AS-6 into consideration.

Explain the Depreciation Accounting procedure and concept taking AS-6 into consideration.

BBA209-Marketing Management

Assignment Set -1

1 What are the various types of market based on –

  1. Geographical Coverage
  2. Commodities/Goods?

Types of market based on Geographical Coverage

Types of market based on Commodities/Goods

2 Write Short Notes on:

  1. 4 Ps of Marketing
  2. Additional 3 Ps of Marketing

4 Ps of Marketing

Additional 3 Ps of Marketing

3 Explain the various steps involved in New Product Development.

Elaborate the steps involved in New Product Development.

Assignment Set -2

1 What are the various factors that influence Channel Decision?

Explain the factors influencing Channel Decision.

2 Write short notes on

  1. Different types of advertising appeals used by Ad Agencies
  2. Essentials of a good advertising copy

Different types of advertising appeals used by Ad Agencies

Essentials of a good advertising copy

3 Mention 3 important characteristics of Services. What are the important factors that have contributed to the growth of service industry?

3 important characteristics of Services

Important factors that have contributed to the growth of service industry


Assignment Set – 1

1 What are the chief characteristics of and functions of MIS

  1. Chief Characteristics of MIS
  2. Functions of MIS

2 Explain the major steps involved in Systems Design.

Steps Involved in Systems design

3 Write a brief note on

  1. a) Database
  2. b) Data mining, and
  3. c) Data warehousing
  4. Database
  5. Data mining
  6. Data warehousing

Assignment Set – 2

1 What are the benefits, disadvantages and Challenges in ERP

  1. Benefits of ERP
  2. Disadvantages of ERP
  3. Challenges in ERP

2 Explain the concepts

  1. a) Decision Support System
  2. b) Artificial Intelligence, and
  3. c) Neural Networks
  4. Decision Support System
  5. Artificial Intelligence
  6. Neural Networks

3 Explain the basic functions of Database Management Systems (DBMS) Explain the architecture of database with the help of a diagram.

Explain the basic functions of Database Management Systems (DBMS).

Explain the architecture of database


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