Author name: Solved Assignments

S346 – M.B.A (E/M) FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER Academic Year: 2023 – 2024

346E1110- PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Elaborate the following topics in detail by referring to the annual reports of corporate companies listed in BSE viz., HUL, TCS, HDFC, Infosys and SBI, SLM Book lessons, terminal exercise and learning activities. Write two topics in the course. (Choose any one corporate company from the BSE Listed 30 companies to apply the theories and practices of management.) Assignment Topic I: (15 Marks) Management perspectives of a corporate company’s Board of Directors, principles, process, span of control, line and staff Relationship and Leadership. Assignment Topic II: (10 Marks) A Case study on approaches of decision making and Management By Objectives (MBO) 346E1120 – MARKETING MANAGEMENT Elaborate the following topics in detail by referring to the annual reports of corporate companies listed in BSE viz., HUL, TCS, HDFC, Infosys and SBI, SLM Book lesson contents, terminal exercise and learning activities. Write two topics in the course. (Choose any one corporate company from the BSE Listed 30 companies to apply the theories and practices of management.) Assignment Topic I: (15 Marks) Marketing perspectives of a corporate company’s tasks, market segmentation, targeting and product positioning, marketing mix and new products. Assignment Topic II: (10 Marks) A case study or plan for advertising and its budget for different channels of distribution. 346E1130 – FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Elaborate the following topics in detail by referring to the annual reports of corporate companies listed in BSE viz., HUL, TCS, HDFC, Infosys and SBI, SLM Book lessons, terminal exercise and learning activities. Write two topics in the course. (Choose any one corporate company from the BSE Listed 30 companies to apply the theories and practices of management.) Assignment Topic I: (15 Marks) Financial perspectives of a corporate company’s working Capital, Cash and receivables management, equity and preference Shares, dividend policy and dividend Pay-Out Ratio. Assignment Topic II: (10 Marks) A case study or proposal of capital structure, corporate restructuring of Mergers, Amalgamations and Acquisitions. 346E1140 – HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Elaborate the following topics in detail by referring to the annual reports of corporate companies listed in BSE viz., HUL, TCS, HDFC, Infosys and SBI, SLM Book lessons, terminal exercise and learning activities. Write two topics in the course. (Choose any one corporate company from the BSE Listed 30 companies to apply the theories and practices of management.) Assignment Topic I: (15 Marks) Human Resource perspectives of a corporate company’s HR Department, planning, job descriptions, job specifications and human resource development (HRD). Assignment Topic II: (10 Marks) A case study or a review or a proposal of Management Development Programmes and techniques of performance appraisal. 346E1150 -MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Elaborate the following topics in detail by referring to the annual reports of corporate companies listed in BSE viz., HUL, TCS, HDFC, Infosys and SBI, SLM Book lessons, terminal exercise and learning activities. Write two topics in the course. (Choose any one corporate company from the BSE Listed 30 companies to apply the theories and practices of management.) Assignment Topic I: (15 Marks) Managerial perspectives of a corporate company’s economics principles, elasticity of demand, production function and the competitive market structure. Assignment Topic II: (10 Marks) A case study or review of Break-even analysis and measures of National Income. List of BSE Sensex 30 Companies to choose and write assignments Axisbank                     An Overview of the Annual Report for 2022–23 – Axis Bank HCL Tech                    Annual Report | HCLTech SBIN                            SBI Bank Annual Report 2022 – 2023 TATAMOTORS           Annual Reports, Financial Statements, Balance Sheet of Tata Motors NTPC                          Annual Report 2022-23 | NTPC Limited NESTLEIND               Annual Reports, Download Reports | Nestlé ( RELIANCE                 Reliance Financial Reporting | Annual Report | Revenue – Reliance Industries Limited ( INFY                           Infosys Integrated Annual Report 2022 – 2023 INDUSBANK              Investor Relations – Get Financial Information | IndusInd Bank SUNPHARMA            Investors – Annual Reports & Presentations – Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. LT                                L&T India | Downloads | Annual Reports ( MARUTI                     Company Reports – Maruti Suzuki India Limited BARATAIRTEL           Quarterly and Annual Results – airtel BAJAJFINANCE        Bajaj Finance Limited Annual Reports ( WIPRO                        Wipro Annual Report 2023 – Investors’ Insights POWERGRID             Annual Reports | POWERGRID TITAN                         Investor | Titan Company M&M                          Mahindra Financial Statements |Annual Reports Mahindra Group KOTAKBANK             Annual Reports | Investor Relations – Kotak Mahindra Bank BAJAJFINSERV         Annual Reports | Bajaj Finserv Limited TECHM                       Investors ( JSWSTEEL                  JSW – JSW Steel – Financials – Annual reports HDFCBANK               Annual Report ( TCS                             annual-report-2022-2023.pdf ( ICICIBANK                 2023 ( HNDUNILEVER        Annual Reports | Unilever ( TATASTEEL               Integrated Report & Annual Accounts 2022-23 (116th year) and related documents ( ITC                              ITC Report and Accounts ( ULTRACEMCO          Financial Highlights and Performance | Annual Reports | UltraTech ( ASIANPAINTS            Annual Report 22 23 ( Annual Reports           Annual Reports of Indian Companies 2023 – 2022: Full List – Learn Stock Market

S346 – M.B.A (E/M) FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER Academic Year: 2023 – 2024 Read More »

S346 – M.B.A (E/M) FIRST YEAR Second SEMESTER Academic Year: 2023 – 2024

346E1210- OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Assignment Topic I  Supply chain management Facility Layout Operations Planning Materials management Purchase management Scheduling techniques Assignment Topic II (10 Marks) A Case study on Enterprise resource Planning. 346E1220- PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Assignment Topic I  Sources of Long-term Project Finance Project Implementation Administration Agencies for Project Approval Project Planning Tools Used in Project Management Entrepreneurship Development Entrepreneurship Assignment Topic II  A new or Existing Business Plan 346E1230 – STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Assignment Topic I  Strategy and Strategic Management Cash Management Global Strategies, Customization, Standardization, and Strategic Alliances Business Portfolio Analysis – BCG Matrix, GE Business Screen Equity and preference Shares Space Matrix – Directional Policy Matrix Core Competency and Competitive advantage Assignment Topic II  McKinsey & Company Report Insights: What to expect from medtech in 2024 What to expect from medtech in 2024 | McKinsey (Report is shared in Telegram channel 346E1240 – RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND STATISTICS Assignment Topic I  Research Process – Seven steps Measurement and Scaling Techniques Sampling and sample size determination Hypothesis Testing for ANOVA Measure of Relationship- Correlation and Regression Structural Equation Modelling Assignment Topic II  Building better future – 2023 Global Impact report: Business, Environment, Social and Governance Deloitte 2023 Global Impact Report (Report shared in Telegram Channel 346E1250 – LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS Assignment Topic I  Performance of contract Negotiable Instruments Act of 1881 Sale of Goods act – II & Value Added Tax Companies Act 2013 Essential commodities Act, 1955 Assignment Topic II  Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) of Consumer Protection Act, (1986) 2019 DARPG Hackathon 2024 | Event

S346 – M.B.A (E/M) FIRST YEAR Second SEMESTER Academic Year: 2023 – 2024 Read More »


2.1 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1. “The field of HRM changes so rapidly that had become necessary for one to constantly review procedures and laws to that the practices will be effective and legal”. Critically evaluate this statement. 2. “Majority of the testing techniques for selection do not accurately assess the characteristics of the job. In fact most of the executives would divulge that the testing had no impact on future job performance. Do you accept or not? Discuss with justification. 3. Develop an incentive plan for the following positions: i. Chemical Engineer ii. Plant Manager iii. Used car sales force iv. First-line supervisor 4. Identify the Paramount barriers for effective training programme in IT field and how to crush them”. Explain with real life examples. 2.2 MARKETING MANAGEMENT “Chinese computer and electronic products possess advantages in design, innovation, rapid response and global market flexibility”- comment. “Legal aspects protect competitors and consumers from many unethical pricing strategies that unscrupulous marketers may wish to attempt”. Critically analyse the statement. In designing an advertising campaign for a soft drink, which would you find more useful; information about consumer demographics or information about consumer life style? Give an example of how would you use each type of information. Suggest a successful way to segment the market for the following products a) Detergent Soap b) Designer Jewellery c) Breakfast Cereals. 2.3 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT “The consequences of over- capitalisation are far more serious and fatal than under-capitalisation.” – Discuss. “An optimal combination of the decisions relating to investment, financing and dividends will maximise the value of the firm to its shareholders”. – Examine The analysis of debt to equity ratios alone can be decreasing and an analysis of the magnitude and stability of cash flows relative to fixed changes is extremely important in determining the appropriate capital structure. Give your opinion. “The success of a business concern depends upon the way in which it earnings are computed, distributed and retained”- Comment on this statement. 2.4 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 1. Operations management is the area of creating competitive advantage. Do you agree? Justify your answer. 2. A manufacturer requires 10,000 items per year. Price discount as follows: a ) Rs.4 up to 2000 items, Rs. 3.80 between 2000 and 4000 items. Rs.3.70 for quantities above 4000. Ordering cost = Rs. 50. b) Comparative inventory cost = 25% per year of average inventory price. c) Determine the optimum purchase policy under discount. 3. Why are some Industries located near the source of raw materials, where as some other Industries are located near the market for their finished goods? Discuss with relevant examples. 4. Prepare PERT network for assembling a Motor Bike. 2.5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Describe two areas in a manufacturing project where there is a high level of uncertainty. How do you tackle these uncertainties? Explain how to break the total project works and some major parts of the works into smaller and manageable item. Relate your answer to project phases, cost account, work package, activities and project schedule. Should we combine debt – related cash flows with project cash flow? Why? Discuss the issues related to the principle of treating the financing cash flow separately from the investment cash flow. Why do role models impact the decision of people to become the entrepreneurs? Do you think that a person whose parent was an entrepreneur of a failed business is more or less likely to start his or her own business than a person whose parents were managers of large established companies? 2.6 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT If strategic planning is essentially a program, can it display the degree of adaptiveness that 21st century enterprises need? Would ‘strategic improvisation’ be a plausible alternative? Explore the practical consequences of strategic improvisation for enterprise management. Select an Automobile industry in India, and evaluate its competitive business strategy using Porter’s five force model? What strategies can you suggest to convert the unattractive forces in to attractive ones? Why would management adopt a stability strategy? Can stability strategies be viable over a lengthy period of time? Why or Why not? Take an imaginary situation relating to pricing or investment policy in a selected industry in which there are few sellers and show how the adoption of different strategies by a leading player defines different possible paths. Use a decision tree to illustrate these different possible paths. 2.7.1 HRM : (a) LABOUR WELFARE AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS “Labour Union meant for the right of the employees”- Do you agree – Substantiate your views. “Ensuring Industrial Relations is the important task of Human Resource Manager”. Do you agree or Disagree, Substantiate your views. Workers education helps a worker to solve his problems not as an individual but is a member of his social class discuss? “The Government plays an important role in establishing a better industrial relations and it passes various laws to protect the interest of both employers and employees”-Discuss. 2.7.1 HRM : (b) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT A leading FMCG company in India decides to train its entire population of employees and managers to provide “Legendary Customer Service.” Suggest and explicate a design for evaluating the impact of such a massive training effort. Is training transfer an important issue in the automobile manufacturing companies? How transfer is evaluated in those companies? Design an action plan sheet that a manager and employee could use to facilitate transfer of training. Justify each category included in the action plan. Identify the procedures and their pitfalls for the effective implementation of MDP in organizations and suggest suitable measure to avoid pitfalls. Many employees are unwilling to relocate geographically because they like their current community and because spouses and children prefer not to move, as the result, it is difficult to develop employees through job experiences that require relocation. How could an employee’s current job be changed to develop that employee’s leadership skills? 2.7.2 Marketing Management: (a) SALES AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT Write an essay on wholesaling? Explain the different marketing functions performed by wholesaler-distributors for manufacturers with the help

MBA E/M II Year Read More »

MBA E-Business 1ST Year

MBA E BUSINESS FIRST SEMESTER 178E1110 – PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT What do you mean by Management? Bring out the important principles of Management? Examine the importance of MBO and explain the measurability of management by objectives. What is mean by Planning? Elaborate the various steps to be followed in planning. Examine the barriers of effective communication. Illustrate the concept of corporate social responsibility of business. 178E1120 – MARKETING MANAGEMENT Discuss about the significance of Marketing. What is marketing research? Elaborate the process of Marketing Research. What are the pricing policies available in modern marketing concept? Discuss in detail. What is PLC? Explain the process of product life cycle with suitable examples. What do you understand by the term Advertising? Examine the uses of advertising? 178E1130 – FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Discuss the goals of Financial Management. What is meant by Working Capital? Explain different factors determining the working capital? Elaborate the different sources of long term finance? State the merits of long term sources. Discuss about Walter’s views on optimum dividend pay-out. Explain the various dimensions of receivable management. 178E1140 – HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Discuss the scope of Human resource management. What are the factors influencing performance appraisal? Discuss in detail. What do you mean by Selection? Explain the various steps involved in selection process. Evaluate the recent HR policies and challenges of HRM in India. Explain briefly the various methods of job evaluation. 178E1150 – MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Explain the significance of economic analysis in business decision. Discuss how managerial economics is related to economics, statistics, mathematics and accounting. Enumerate the various methods for maximising profits. Illustrate the factors determining price elasticity of demand. 5. Narrate the different methods of forecasting demand for a product. MBA E BUSINESS SECOND SEMESTER 178E1210 – E-COMMERCE: APPLICATION AND SECURITIES Examine the management challenges and issues in online Banking. What are the various needs of security in E-Commerce Industry? Discuss the role of the Web in the marketing communication mix. Explain the Role of Human Resource Information Systems in Human Resource Planning. The Emerging Role of Banks in E-Commerce and Application of E-commerce in Banking – Discuss 178E1220 – MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM “The way organization cannot exist without MIS. Even information does not exist without organization.” – Discuss. What will affect the System planning and the mutual investigation? Illustrate with suitable example input/output design. You are asked to write the System Development Life cycle. Explain this statement by using examples. Discuss in detail the activities involved in development of e-commerce-based Information System in an organization. Explain a hierarchical database of an organisation. 178E1230 – STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT What are the steps involved in a strategic plan? Explain with examples. Illustrate Stability, Expansion and Retrenchment Strategies. Examine the importance of Porter’s Generic Strategies. Define Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) analysis. Substantiate your views on SPACE. What do you mean by the term Market Penetration? Evaluate the various tactics to increase Market Penetration. 178E1240 – STATISTICS FOR MANAGERS Demonstrate the probability theorem and examine the prediction of conditional probability. Evaluate the estimation of population parameters from sample statistics of a research in your choice of specialization. Enumerate the application of various statistical tests with a special focus on regression analysis. Draw a research model of your choice and demonstrate the procedure to use PLS-SEM. Draw the data analysis add-on in excel and compare it with other statistical software. 178E1250–COMPUTER APPLICATION IN MANAGEMENT Discuss in detail about the different generation of computers. Summarize the Input and Output devices. Explain in detail about the data storage devices. Explain the different models of software development lifecycle. Write an essay about the various topologies for networking with diagram. Write the pros and cons of Anti-virus tools.  

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